Sunday, 25 April 2010


What else is a girl to do!
Got up this morning after two days of glorious sunshine, geared up to head for a car boot and return with oodles of goodies and.....Its raining.....Raining in my heart!  Well not quite but certainly putting a damper on the day in more ways than one!

Ok, new plan. Garden centre at place where car boot is supposed to be so head that way and take it from there.

But before I tell you how our day turned out let me take you back to Friday.

Sun blazing down, windows open, birds singing. I am in the garden with lovely book, glass in hand..... stop right there!  No I am up to my elbows in suds, cleaning, washing windows, changing beds.  I think I got it wrong somehow. DH is busy repainting the summerhouse and it looks great but more about that another time.

I am in the garden with lovely book, glass in hand... No this time I am shopping and painting furniture in the back garden!

So Sunday, today, its raining. Why do we women not take our own advise and forget the work when the sun shines!! Will we ever learn, I don't think so.

Well we arrived at the garden centre, the rain was just easing by now, but needless to say the car booters hadnt stayed. You cant blame them. So into the centre to see what else I can spend my money on.


An all wood kitchen at what I can only describe as a ridiculous price!  If only!! If you have seen my earlier posts you will see that my kitchen is of the freestanding variety and I dont normally hanker after a 'fitted' kitchen...but this was so lovely, I'm working on it..

Anyway I digress. we eventually landed up here..

Doddington Hall

We saw lots of these..

Some rather formal bits....

And some lovely natural bits..

We were a day or two early for the full display!

Some exciting nature finds

and I must confess to kitchen garden envy...

There were lots of these....

and even these...

It was definitely not one to be saved for a rainy day....but the sun came out as we emerged from the tour of the house and kept shining until we left.  Of course all this walking, taking in nature and history makes one very hungry so we had to stop off here on the way home..

and my only purchases today..

and yes that is DH in the background doing washing up.. He obviously wants fresh home made bread and lemon curd tomorrow...Wonder if I can broach the subject of that kitchen now.....?

Hope you enjoyed our little tour,
Time to let the camera cool down a little
Jenny x

PS A very kind lady did a post the other day with a Wiggly bag photo tutorial and I forgot to note her name/blog. If you are she or you know who it may have been, can you please email me. Details on my profile.
Thanks J x


  1. Those are wonderful pics, thanks for the tour!
    That farmhouse sink is absolutely divine!

    Have a wonderful evening!

  2. Don't blame you that kitchen is fab, although what I can see of your kitchen in the photo that looks very nice too..x

  3. I so enjoyed this post, & the rain didn't spoil it at all, well at least not for me! Love the pic of your DH at the sink, a sight not seen too often here @ The Hedge!
    Millie ^_^
    P.S. Good luck on your Fitted Kitchen 'project'.

  4. how lovely but do you knowm the thing I most enjoyed seeing was the picture of cowslips! they are quite rare now so if you have them growing near you, you have some treasure.

  5. Seems like you had a great sunday after all! You are so right about us women not enjoying the sun when it shines.I've had days like that. Thanks for sharing all the pictures,got to know you a little better now.xx

  6. A lovely way to spend a Sunday.
    And I think the kitchen you have is far nicer than the one at the garden centre.
    Lisa x

  7. From the pic showing the pot of Lime and Lemon Curd your kitchen looks great as it is and I thought for a moment it was the one in the first pic! Thanks for the walk round the gardens it was beautiful especially the bluebells and wood anemones. Glad your wet Sunday turned out to be so good.


  8. Hello Jenny
    I stopped by to thank you for your kind comment on my blog and was facinated by your beautiful pictures!
    Your blog is truly lovely , love it!
    I'll come back often.. am your newest follower
    have a great week
    xx Flaviana

  9. Despite the rain, it looks like you had a lovely day!

  10. What could be nicer than sitting in your kitchen eating fresh bread with lemon and lime curd on??? Loved the first kitchen but probrably wouldn't love the price!! Lucey xx

  11. Looks like a wonderful time was had by all!!

  12. The day seemed to turn out OK in the end then! I've just bought some cowslips and have planted them in the grass. Thanks for sharing your photo's

  13. The kitchen is to die for, but I have seen your kitchen in your past posts and I think yours is just wonderful. I love kitchens like yours.

  14. Ive often passed Doddington Hall, but neve called in!!! Can you let me know how to cook my Lamb shoulder - I bought one on your recomendation!!xxx .

  15. Looks like you had a lovely day despite the rain after all. I like your kitchen as it is!!!
    Love Kathy xxx

  16. I think your kitchen looks lovely! It looks like it's about the same colour as mine too. We saw a very expensive one ever-so similar to the one you did, in the Cotswolds, I couldn't believe how much it was, we came home and then found a small company locally who made ours for about a quarter of the price!
    I so know what you mean about enjoying the sun while it's out, but it's SO hard to just abandon the never-ending chores there seem to be. Hope you make it into the garden with that book soon xx

  17. What a day and your photos are great ! please pop over to my blog where an award is waiting for you x

  18. I think your kitchen looks lovely. Hope you have had a great day xx

  19. I'm so glad you found my blog Jenny! Yours is delightful! Is that your cute little cottage on your header pic? love it! Love all these lovely pictures too, would so love to come visit the UK someday!


  20. What a lovely day...the gardens are wonderful.


Hi thanks for stopping by, but even better say hello. I love to read your comments and its also a way for me to meet you. I do read every coment but don't always have the time to find your email or web, so do pop back if you have asked a question as I will answer it here.xx